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Helmet Use Policy
Payment Policy
We accept Mastercard, Visa and cheques. Fees are payable in Canadian funds. The full program fee paid by credit must be made at time of registration unless the program specifies pay in installments. Payments by cheque must be received within 2 weeks after registration or prior to the first scheduled class to guarantee your enrollment. NSF cheques are subject to a $40 charge.

Refund Policy
Skate Canada Membership fees are non-refundable. Program refunds will not be issued after the second class within a session unless approved by the club's board of directors after submitting a medical certificate and a written request for refund. A $50 administration fee will be applied to all refunds.
Volunteer/Fundraising Commitment
All sports clubs have a level of volunteer and fundraising commitment required by all members. Our club is no different. We are fortunate to participate in a casino every 3rd year which provides significant funding and affords the club the opportunity to refund the volunteer/fundraising fees to those members that complete their volunteer/fundraising commitment. By registering with the Ice Edge Skating Club you understand that voluteering and fundraising is important and thar you will participate to the best of your ability during the season. You also understand that you have an opportunity to earn your volunteer/fundraising fees back if you complete your committment before the end of the season.
Skater Code of Conduct
- Represent the Ice Edge Skating Club in a respectful and professional manner.
- Strive to create and maintain cooperative relationships with skaters/parents and coaching colleagues for the purpose of ensuring a positive skating environment.
- No food, gum, candy or glass containers are permitted on the ice surface. Alcohol/drugs are forbidden at all club activities. Abuse of this will result in expulsion.
- Pushing, tripping, horseplay, intentional interference with other skaters or profanity may result in expulsion of the offending skater. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children.
- Leave the ice during a flood and PROMPTLY at the end of each session.
- All skaters and guests are expected to dress and behave in an appropriate manner that reflects good taste and a good moral attitude.
- Non-Payment of Club fees will result in the withdrawal of Skating Privileges.
- Inappropriate and disrespectful behavior by Skaters and/or Parents to Coaches or Club officials can result in a temporary or permanent suspension from the Ice Edge Skating Club.
- There is NO bullying, victimizing, harassing (sexual or otherwise), impersonating, vandalizing or stealing from another skater. Disciplinary actions may include the suspension or expulsion.
- All skaters are to display good sportsmanship and encourage all skaters’ enjoyment of skating.
- All skaters are responsible for keeping the dressing rooms clean and tidy, putting away their own personal items and throwing away any garbage.
- Socializing on the ice between skaters is to be kept to a minimum.
- Electronic devices such as MP3 players or cell phones are not permitted during on ice or off ice sessions.
- Trust your child’s coach and resolve conflicts by allowing a 24-hour cool down period. Bring your issue to a member of the board for resolution.
- Soloist has the right of way but all skaters need to be aware of their surroundings and respect everyone on the ice.
- Coaches doing choreography also have the right of way if they are using music.
- When skating away from the boards, pay attention to oncoming skaters.
- Profanity or disrespect to fellow skaters or coaches will not be tolerated.
- No loitering in the dressing rooms.
- The Coach has the authority at all times and will enforce the above rules when required.
Coaches Code of Ethics
Parent Code of Conduct
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